Thursday, September 29, 2016

The New "In" Thing...

"Discipleship" is all the rage these days. It's a main catchword for church activity.

It's even the title of IOLBC's Beyond Ministry website: and our family blog:

There is good reason for this. Jesus' followers are called "disciples." Jesus invites them to be "disciples." And Jesus commanded disciple reduplication. In fact, it is the one main command Jesus gives the disciples at the end of Matthew's gospel:
As you go about your lives, make disciples of all peoples...(Matt. 28:19)
Still, it can be a little concerning when it gets mixed up with American consumer-Facebook-media driven-"what's in" culture. Or a lot concerning. A recent article from Missio Alliance reflects this concern. The article questions the use of "discipleship" as some sort of fixer to ignite more excitement and participation in church. Discipleship is not to be a church program or a catchy idea to get those people who are not quite "in" on the church thing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Not Everyone is the Same Kind of Christian

This is the third post in a series that attempts to think through some matters related to the church today, based on a series of posts by Ed Stetzer at Christianity Today. Click to go to part 1 or part 2

Not everyone is the same kind of Christian.

We all get this. There are Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Reformed, E-Free, Mennonites, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and so on. Even within these denominations there is much variety. Some might say division.

But, I'm not talking about these groups.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This is REALLY Crazy!

Part II of a series on the church today. See part I here.

So I came across this news the other day. Some scientists are talking about bringing the woolly mammoth back. From extinction. See the video here.

Regardless of whether or not it can actually happen, I'm more interested in the thought behind it.

What's wrong with being extinct? Isn't extinction part of the natural order? Do we want to mess with that? Maybe I'm over simplistic in my scientific understanding, but it seems to me that it's actually good for things die out and new things to replace them. It's an important part of life.